About us

Who we are?

We belong to an international Institute founded by Venerable Délia Tétreault on June 3, 1902, in Montréal, Québec, Canada, born of her thanksgiving and burning desire to spread the Kingdom of Christ and to make Mary The Immaculate, known and loved.

As early as 1904, we received the name of Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception from Pope Pius X. In 1908, he assigned the whole world to us as area of mission.

We are women of diverse nationalities and cultures called and brought together in community to live the Gospel and proclaim it in thanksgiving with Mary our Mother.

The MIC Sisters came to the Philippines through the mediation of the Archbishop of Manila, Msgr. Michael O’Doherty, upon request of Dr. Jose Teehankee, the Director of the Chinese General Hospital, who needed the medical services of the MIC Sisters. Mother Delia sent five Sisters who arrived in Manila on August 8, 1921. They worked in the Chinese General Hospital Training School for nurses until 1939.

The friendship that developed between the Sisters and the families of the patients initiated their social work ministry. Home visitations and catechetical instruction brought about a number  of conversions. This inspired the Sisters to establish the Immaculate Conception Anglo-Chinese Academy (ICACA) in 1936 which became the present Immaculate Conception Academy (ICA) – Greenhills.  Other schools were also built and managed by the Sisters after the end of World War II.

Our common mission, lived in a Marian way, is to PROCLAIM THE GOOD NEWS OF SALVATION IN JESUS CHRIST TO THOSE WHO DO NOT KNOW IT.      MIC Constitutions #5

Our mission is our concrete way of manifesting thanksgiving. Through this mission we want to nurture missionary consciousness and responsibility of those to whom we are sent.